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The Graph Data Indexing

The Graph is a decentralized protocol for indexing and querying chain data, supports Gnosis. Data defined through subgraphs is easy to query and explore. Subgraphs can be created locally, or use a free hosted explorer for indexing and data display.

Setting up a hosted project with TheGraph & Gnosis


See The Graph Documentation for more details, local installation and more.


  1. Go to Graph Explorer and setup an account. You will need a GitHub account for authentication.

  2. Go to your dashboard and click Add Subgraph. Define the subgraph Name, Account, and Subtitle and update the image and other info (you can update later) if desired.

Basic info is required to create a subgraph. You can modify later if needed.

  1. Install Graph CLI on your machine (using either npm or yarn)
$ npm install -g @graphprotocol/graph-cli
$ yarn global add @graphprotocol/graph-cli
  1. The following command creates a subgraph that indexes all events of an existing contract. It attempts to fetch the contract ABI from BlockScout and falls back to requesting a local file path. If any of the optional arguments are missing, it takes you through an interactive form.

*Note: The interactive form does not currently include Gnosis in the dropdown of networks, so using the following flags is useful for a Gnosis deployment.

graph init
--from-contract <CONTRACT_ADDRESS>
[--network xdai ]
[--abi <FILE>]

--from-contract <CONTRACT_ADDRESS> is the address of your existing contract.

--abi <FILE> is a local path to a contract ABI file (optional, If verified in BlockScout, the graph will grab the ABI, otherwise you will need manually add the ABI. You can save the abi from BlockScout or by running truffle compile or solc on a public project. More info available here.)

The <GITHUB_USER> is your github user or organization name, <SUBGRAPH_NAME> is the name for your subgraph, and <DIRECTORY> is the optional name of the directory where graph init will put the example subgraph manifest.

  • Choose the subgraph name created in step 2 as lowercase-hyphenated
  1. Authenticate with the hosted service
graph auth <your-access-token>
  1. cd to the directory you created and start defining the subgraph. Information on creating a subgraph is available in The Graph Docs

  2. When you are ready, deploy your subgraph. You can always test and redeploy as needed.

yarn deploy

Your subgraph will be deployed, and you can try sample queries. If you are ready to make it public, select the subgraph and turn off the Hide slider.